Monday, July 5, 2010

fwenz forever...

hehehe... hai kowg... bru post something... tp dh nk dtg yg bru ny... hehehe... sian kowg yg xabes bce lg yg bru aq post td... tp aq nk jgk cter...

kali aq nk plak cter pasal membe2 aq... hehehe.... kowg mst ad besfwen kn... hehehe... aq ny besfwen bnyk pompuan... hehehe... bkn ny awek... just my besfwen... i do share lots of thing wif them especially bout girl... (mainly coz my girlfren prob... hehehe...)...

one of my besties is here in my college... she's gorgeous... she would spare her time to hear my prob... membe cmni la yg sehidup semati... always there ble kte perlu kn teman... sush tau nk dpt kn membe cmni... snggup dgr mslh ntah pape aq ni... sian dy... sowi ea syg... hehehe... td aq ad story something ngn dy... thats why i tell u she is a good frens of me... wlaupn remeh je mslh ny... dy snggup je nk jumpe aq.. temankn aq mkn...(xmkn pn sebab xd mood nk mkn dh...).. dgr mslh aq... hehehe... thats why she is my best companion...

sowg lagi is my fwen during in plkn... she is soooo cute... hehehe.... aq pn xtau npew nk g kt dy ble aq ad mslh... although dy ad mslh ngn bf dy...(rase ny dh ok dh 2...)... dy tetap ad mse untk dgr mslh aq ni... kowg ad ke kwn cmni??? sush ooo nk cri... dh la ad mslh sndri tp msih ad mse untk selesaikn mslh aq... hish... aq ni ske sgt mnyusahkn owg je keje... sowi ea syg...

hehehe... yg lg sowg ni lg best... mcm2 tau je aq ad mslh... dis one is special coz we happen 2 be couple... but now she is my besties... i think dis type of frens is reallyhard 2 search nowadays...
she just simply know im having problems... dis one always be there wif me during my hard time... but im the one who treat her bad.. only search 4 her during hard time... xbley la cm2 er... xelok... jgn bwat cm2 ea kt membe kowg... aq pn dh start nk insaf....

sapew kte aq xde membe laki... aq jew... yg ni lg best sebab ktowg membe dlm sume bnd... even bnd pling remeh kenkdg aq segan nk kongsi mslh dgn dy... mslh pasal pompuan... xkn nk tny laki pla...skrg kpla dowg sme mcm ktowg jew... aq ske jgk la spend time ngn dy... hehehe...

kesimpulan ny... korg jge la membe kowg bebaek la... jgn sakit kn ati dowg...awek bley cri... membe xkn dpt dicari... hehehe...


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